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The absolute best sites on hard science and mathematics that the Web has to offer.
![]() sci.astro FAQ | The FAQ for the astronomy Usenet newsgroup. Ask the Space Scientist | See an astronomer's answers about his trade. Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics | An indispensible handbook [GIF format]. Planetary Fact Sheets | You can't do without this if you need Solar System data. The Nine Planets | Welcome to the Solar System. Here's your grand tour. Internet Stellar Database | An extensive online queryable database of nearby stars. | Data on nearby stars, and Java visualizations of starmaps and orbits. Cosmology Tutorial | Cosmology. Big Bang. You know, that stuff. Olbers' Paradox | Why is the sky dark at night? This isn't as simple a question as it sounds. Bad Astronomy | Everything bad you ever wanted to know about astronomy. Ask the High Energy Astronomer | "High energy" means the really neat stuff. Apollo Lunar Surface Journal | Everything that happened on the surface of the Moon. Everything. Ask an Astronomer | Curious about astronomy? Ask an astronomer. Astronomy Picture of the Day | Every day, see a new picture of the Universe! Near-Earth Object Program | NASA's NEO page, with comprehensive information and tables. Current Impact Risks | A frequently updated list of the currently known NEO impact risks. |
![]() World of Richard Dawkins | An unofficial Web page on Richard Dawkins' works. Criticality and Radiation Accidents | The road to discovery is not always an easy one. Human Body in a Vacuum | What does happen when a human gets spaced? Cosmic Ancestry | Did life on Earth come from somewhere else? Health Physics Society: Ask the Experts | Have a radiation safety question? |
![]() WebElements Periodic Table | The best periodic table on the Web, hands down. Chemical | An online, interactive periodic table of the elements. A Periodic Table of the Elements | A resource provided by Los Alamos National Laboratory, aimed more toward high school level. |
![]() Yahoo! Maps | Yahoo! Maps is arguably the best online maps resource on the Web. |
![]() World-Wide Earthquake Locator | Find recent earthquakes everywhere on the planet -- as advertised. |
![]() sci.math FAQ | The valuable Usenet FAQ on mathematics. World of Mathematics | You won't find a mathematics reference better than this. Ask Dr. Math | Maths questions answered cheap (well, free). Common Errors in Undergraduate Mathematics | What mistakes do maths students make the most? Integrator | Use Mathematica remotely to calculate antiderivatives. Fallacies | You're on the road to truth. Don't stumble. Prime Pages | There's more to prime numbers than meets the eye. Links to Pi Pages | Pi is likely the most famous mathematical constant. But why? Geometric Calculus Research and Development | All about geometric algebras and calculus. |
![]() sci.physics FAQ | Perhaps one of the most direct and forthright FAQs on Usenet. Mathematical Physics | John Baez' outstanding updated resource of what's going on. Entropy | The clockwork universe is running down. But why? LANL e-Print Archive | This archive is the raw, unadulterated stuff. Proceed with caution. International System of Units (SI) | We're way beyond the mere metric system, people. Particle Data Group | The authority on particle physics data world-wide. Particle Adventure | The Universe is a sea of subatomic particles. Better get used to them. Relativity on the Web | Relativity, Web. Web, relativity. Behave. Black Holes FAQ | Have some questions about black holes? Here are your answers. Falling Into a Black Hole | What would it look like falling into a black hole? Relativity and FTL Travel | What is it with relativity and faster-than-light travel, anyway? Cosmological Fads and Fallacies | Ned Wright's excellent summary of "Errors in some popular attacks on the Big Bang." |
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